tell me you’re buying that for your girlfriend.” Spencer’s
smile lit his eyes. “Lyssa! I’m so glad to see you again. I wanted
to kick myself when I realized I’d let you get away without giving me
your number.” Lyssa was
so surprised it took a moment to gather her thoughts. She hadn’t
expected Spencer to even flirt with her, much less take such a direct
approach. “If you’re asking for my number, I supposed I can assume
the perfume is not for your wife or girlfriend.” His gaze
held hers. “No wife. No girlfriend.” Lyssa’s
heart fluttered, and her cheeks heated. She looked away, unable to think
while staring into eyes the color of a clear blue sky. Hannah sat in her
stroller, chewing on a pink teething ring. “Well, you can’t be
thinking of buying perfume for your sister-in-law. It should be against
the law for a man to buy jewelry and perfume for another man’s
wife.” He sighed
and put the bottle down. “What am I supposed to get her then? I looked
at a sweater, but I don’t know her size. I don’t want to have her
mad at me for buying one that’s too big. I even looked at the handbags
over there.” He pointed to display. “But I have no idea what color
or style she likes.” Hannah
began to fuss, and she stretched her arms out in a request to be held.
Lyssa picked her up, settled the child on her hip, and dropped her
shopping bag into the stroller. “Come on. I’ll show you.” Lyssa
weaved through the crowd of shoppers, out of the store, and into the
center of the mall. She glanced over her shoulder to see Spencer
following with the stroller. His gaze, however, was directed squarely at
Lyssa’s bottom. Her face heated again, but this time, the warmth
spread all over. Oh, this could not be happening. Every angel knew that
while in human form, an angel felt everything any other human did.
Hunger, cold, thirst, pain—all were to be expected while on
assignment. But Lyssa
had never experienced sexual arousal. She’d died while still a little
girl, murdered by a man who preyed on children for his own perverted
pleasure. Fortunately, Heaven had erased most of the horrid memory as
soon as she’d arrived. Having not even reached puberty, Lyssa had
never known the emotions or physical effects associated with sexual
attraction. Goodness! How did people walk, talk, and function normally
when their body took on a mind of its own? |